Board of Trustees
Mr. Mahfuz Anam (Chairman)
Editor & Publisher, The Daily Star
Professor Firdous Azim
Department of English & Humanities, BRAC University
Ms. Rasheda K. Choudhury
Former Advisor to Caretaker Government
Professor, Perween Hasan*
Vice Chancellor, Central Women’s University
Dr. Mohammad Kaykobad
Distinguished Professor, BRAC University
Dr. Pratima Paul Majumder*
Senior Research Fellow, BIDS
Dr. M Arshad Momen
Professor, Physical Sciences, Independent University, Bangladesh
Mr. Abdul Quayum
Associate Editor, Prothom Alo
Dr. Rezaur Rahman (Treasurer)
Former Chief Scientific Officer, BAEC
Dr. Zeba Islam Seraj
Professor, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Dhaka University
Dr. Iftekharuzaman
Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB)
*Emeritus Trustees
Names are organized in order to the last part of the name
Trustees are associated to BFF as their personal capacities.